1: Introduction

An introduction to work in the UK.

Chapter 1: Introduction to work in the UK

Welcome to the UK, and thank you for joining the Specialist Training and Employment Programme (STEP). We are really looking forward to working with you.

What is this handbook?

This handbook has been produced by World Jewish Relief for STEP participants. It provides information about many different aspects of employment in the UK. You can use it on your own and with your Employment Adviser. Each chapter in the handbook contains useful information, links, tasks, and a glossary of helpful words.

What is World Jewish Relief?

World Jewish Relief is the British Jewish community’s international humanitarian and development charity. Founded in 1933 to rescue Jews fleeing Nazi Europe, we have been saving lives and livelihoods ever since.

What is STEP?

STEP stands for Specialist Training and Employment Programme. It is a support service provided by World Jewish Relief, delivered in partnership with different organisations across the UK. STEP was first set up to help resettled Syrian refugees, but it has now been extended to support any refugees who live in the UK. The organisations providing STEP support can now be found all over England.
